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become a part of our story

Nourish Blooms was started to fund Nourish, AL which began as an organization that provided fresh produce to food insecure families. Since it's inception in 2016, Nourish, AL has now expanded to the Nourish Foundation which consists of Nourish, AL and Nourish Wellness. Nourish Wellness is a pediatric multidisciplinary wellness clinic for underserved patients with lifestyle illnesses such as obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. We provide an intense, team based approach to care. Nourish, AL now provides fresh produce to our Nourish Wellness families in order to incorporate fresh produce into their dietary plan. 


The flowers we sell through Nourish Blooms fund over 70% of the Nourish Foundation services, including Nourish, AL and Nourish Wellness. We could not serve our Nourish families without your support of Nourish Blooms. In order to provide more opportunities for you to receive locally and sustainably grown flowers in addition to serving your community, we are starting the Bloom Buddies program! What does it mean to become a Bloom Buddy? We have two options. 






















In addition, you will directly participate in helping to cover operational costs of the farm so we can continue to fund the mission of the Nourish Foundation, which is to provide free health care and fresh produce to families in our community. 


As a Bloom Buddy, you are coming alongside our farm and our family to bring nourishment to our community. We appreciate your support more than you could ever know and we thank you in advance for allowing us to tangibly love our Nourish families. 


Also, if you would like to give the gift of becoming a Bloom Buddy to someone you love, just let us know in the comments who you would like it gifted to and a good email address for them  when you check out and we will send them a certificate via email!







includes one ticket to our Brunch and Blooms brunch and floral design workshop with on-farm tour, one 6-week Spring Bouquet subscription, a Nourish Blooms t-shirt, and sponsorship of a Nourish family for 2 months. 



includes one 6-week Spring Bouquet subscription, a Nourish Blooms t-shirt, and sponsorship of a Nourish family for 1 month.






571 County Rd 88

Waverly, AL 36879

Tel: 334-610-1576

    Thanks for submitting!

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